
US News

Trump's landslide victory to be confirmed

admin 2020.11.21 21:31 Views : 308

There is an election access map going viral on the Internet. On this access map with all 50 U.S. states, only a handful of states are blue, most are red, including the Democratic stronghold California. Judging from this map, Trump has beaten Biden in the election by a landslide at 410:128 electoral votes.

Is this the case? Find out more in our episode.

Sidney Powell is on the Prowl.

Powell mentioned the important affidavit of the Venezuelan president's bodyguard. She said that the witness had seen himself—how voting software can be used to manipulate an election. He knew the same thing was happening in the U.S. when he saw a number of states suddenly stop counting ballots on Election Day, November 3.


Rudy Giuliani slams the main stream media.

Giuliani slammed mainstream media, pointing out that their reports claiming Trump’s legal team had no evidence of election fraud was dishonest and they had failed their duties to investigate as reporters. He said, "I know you keep reporting falsely that we have no evidence, that we have no specific acts of fraud. That’s because the coverage of this has been almost as dishonest as the scheme itself."