
US News


The report said that in the mid-1970s — about the time the formerly all-male school first allowed female students to enroll — Carlson was the “dorm parent” of a female “lower mid” student, the school’s equivalent of a 10th-grader. (The report did not identify the students.) Carlson was in his mid-20s at the time.


Ron Carlson, an American author who has led creative writing programs at two major universities, has resigned from UC Irvine after being accused of sexual misconduct with an underage student when he was a teacher at a prestigious Connecticut boarding school in the 1970s.


Carlson, who has published stories and reviews in the New Yorker, the Los Angeles Times and other high-profile publications, became director of the fiction program for masters students at UC Irvine in 2006 after holding a similar position at Arizona State University.


Carlson and his work have been featured multiple times in The Times, and he wrote nearly a dozen book reviews for the newspaper between 1992 and 2010.