
Real Estate

Check Your Understanding-Answers

  1. When preparing to present an offer to the sellers, what kinds of supporting information can be helpful? 

    A new Estimate of Sellers' Proceeds, using the current offering price as the basis and an updated competitive market analysis, would be helpful.
  2. What is important to remember about multiple offers? 

    All multiple offers must be presented at the same time; if you know of an offer that is coming in, you must tell the sellers at the time you present the current offer; if you know of any verbal offers, share that information with the sellers also.
  3. When making your presentation, what topics should you cover? 

    The history of the listing activities, information about the buyers and then the offer itself.
  4. Why is it important to talk to the sellers about the buyers? 

    This is an opportunity to assure the sellers that these buyers will appreciate and care for the home.