

admin 2021.10.23 21:55 Views : 68

The insurrection took place on November 3, Election Day. January 6 was the Protest!


So funny to watch the Biden Administration try to blame “Trump” for the fact that there are thousands of ships that can’t be unloaded, in any other time but now a very simple task. No, just like the Border, just like the Afghanistan withdrawal, just like Inflation, and just like many other things that have gone so wrong for our Country, it’s the Biden Administration that’s at fault. They are only really good at two things, rigging elections and misinformation!


Look at what just happened in Arizona last night for the people that really won the Election, by a lot, us. The FORENSIC AUDITORS released a new report that discredits all of the disinformation put out by the RINO Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. The auditors said Maricopa County purposely misled the public and spread “outright lies” about their findings. The Board provided zero evidence for their false claims, including no accounting for the 12,772 illegal ballots (more than the election margin alone) who moved outside of Maricopa County before the election. They have no valid answer for how there were more early ballots returned by voters than received, why their official results did not match who voted, why there were more duplicate ballots than originals, or why they deleted and purged their Election Management System data in defiance of a subpoena, which is against the law, and they did it on the day before the audit began. These incredible findings affect tens of thousands of ballots, and therefore, the outcome of the Election. This does not even touch Pima County, which had precincts with more than 100 percent turnout for mail-in ballots.  


The Presidential Election in Arizona (and in numerous states) was a Fraud. Maricopa County officials lied, and then tried to cover it up. Now they are facing criminal liability since defying a subpoena and deleting election records are serious crimes. Hopefully Attorney General Mark Brnovich will do something about it. Regardless, based on these findings, and many others, Arizona should decertify their Fake Election results immediately!