
George Soros & Democratic Party

admin 2024.08.11 20:13 Views : 18

George Soros, who supports the Democratic Party, has publicly stated that his lifelong goal is to destroy the United States. So, the people he cultivated are Barack Obama and key members of the Democratic Party's leadership.


The first step of the Democratic Party's strategy is to bring many illegal immigrants into the United States in order to reduce the United States to a third-class country.

Second, they made every effort to completely eliminate Christianity from the United States.

Third, legalize same-sex marriage and liberalize gender transition to reduce population.


They believe that by lowering the overall level of Americans and reducing them to the level of citizens of underdeveloped countries in the Third World, an easier-to-manage country will be possible in the future, and they are moving forward with such a strategy.


Contributor : Sharon Liu Fau