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Georgia Recount Comes Under Scrutiny

admin 2020.11.19 13:30 Views : 222

Attention is on Georiga as a recount of ballots comes under scrutiny.

Multiple poll observers in sworn affidavits described significant anomalies in the recount.

Outside, conservative radio show host Alex Jones showed up at a “Stop The Steal” rally at Georgia State Capitol.

“The Governor must follow the constitution and must declare an emergency session. The Governor must have the legislature take control and oversight as massive fraud is being found,” he said.

The affidavits are part of an emergency motion filed on Tuesday, Nov. 17, in a bid to halt the certification of Georgia’s election results.

Affidavits came in from observers in Fulton, DeKalb, and Cobb Counties.

A poll manager in Fulton County with 20 years experience raised suspicions over a box of ballots that she said “stood out.” She noted a difference in the texture of the paper, no markings to show their origin, and said the marking to show the selected candidate was “unusually uniform” as though it could have been made with a ballot-marking machine or device, rather than by hand.

Georgia Recount Comes Under Scrutiny-Epoch Times, United States politics |  The Epoch Times - EONTV