
Real Estate

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admin 2019.04.03 20:33 Views : 990

미국 부동산중개인 시험 자료



Community property: 부부
fixture: 부동산에 붙어있음 vs personal property: 계약시 제외대상
Equity: 구매가나 다운페이먼트에 영향을 미치지못함 ,  the value of a property   the total amount of liens  일치하지않음
zoning laws: nationwide or statewide  없음
specific lien: 특정재산 vs general lien : 채무자의  자산 lien 모두 collateral
agent: 브로커, salesperson  아님 agency relationship the real estate salesperson-buyer relationship  아님 the attorney-client relationship, the real estate broker-buyer relationship, or the listing broker-seller relationship
advance fee: 판매자가 광고목적으로 제공하는  non-refundable fee, trust funds 목적대로 사용되지 못할경우  principal 에게리턴해야함
Statute of Frauds: 사인되지않은 경우 unenforceable, 1년이 지나지않은 oral leases  경우는 예외 (enforceable)
delivery of the deed:  the grantor (seller) deed 사인하면 바로 소유권 양도
disclosure statement: Regulation Z 빌려주는 사람이 부동산 론을 신청한 사람에게 disclosure statement 제공토록 .
The Truth in Lending Disclosure Statement: annual percentage, 빌리는 사람이 갚은 총액
Investing : 미래의 이익을 위해 현재의 소비를 포기하는 
Risk: 이익의 가능성, Investment in vacant land is a low-risk investment – 가치가 빠르게 하락하지않으니까
HUD -1 settlement statement: mortgage loans 빌리는 사람에게 지불되는 서비스와 비용에 관한 standard form, 서류에 사인하기 하루전에 buyers 에게 줘야함. loan costs  관한 a good faith estimate (GFE)  포함.
good consideration: 유언이 아니라면 항상
Conventional 30-year ARM: the lowest initial interest rate
 escrow check  받으면가능한 빨리 브로커에게 
the Fair Housing Act of 1968: 자녀수의 차별 금지
a mortgage with a fixed interest rate: 재산세보험료에 따라 변동
5 percent vacancy: a good balance between the supply of and demand for apartments
 ARM loan:  매년 이자가 변함 - raise or lower the total payment
Blockbusting (=panic selling ):인종분포가  달라지고  있는  주택가의  주택소유주들에게  (,흑인이  들어오고 있는백인지역)부동산투기업자나  부동산업자들이  공포감을  불어넣어  싼값에  팔도록  하는  불법행위.
dominant tenement: the property which benefits from an easement
servient tenement: 상대에게 사용권을 부여하게 되는 의무를 지는 
deed is valid: signed, Witnessed
orientation : 햇볕바람큰길과의 관계 등에 따라서 건물의 방향을 정하는것
pre-tax gross income 항상 post-tax net income 보다 
net operating income (noi): goi에서 건물을 유지하는데 들어가는 모든 비용을  건물주에게 돌아오는 순수입을 말한다. 
gross operating income (goi): effective rental income + 기타수입 =실제  임대 수입
potential rental income (pri): 모두 임대 됐을경우 받을수 있는 최대 임대 수입 = gross scheduled income (gsi)
effective rental income pri에서 공백손실분 (vacancy and credit losses )  나머지 임대 수입
the gross rent multiplier (grm) = sales price / the gross scheduled rent.
encumbered; 토지가 easement 이면 폐가되다빚이되다
three parties to a trust deed: trustor (borrower), beneficiary (lender) and trustee (holder of naked title). there is no automatic recording of a release of title.
the interstate land sales act ; the buyer 에게 right of rescission (계약파기) within a three business day
novation = substitution of liability:  쌍방 간에 체결된 유효한 계약이라도 새로운 요소가 포함된 새로운 계약으로 대체하는 경우,  a lender can enter into an agreement with both a buyer and a seller for the buyer's assumption of the loan and a release of the seller's liability
consumer financial protection bureau (cfpb): the real estate settlement procedures acts (respa) 관리
the adjusted cost basis of a personal residence: a number developed for income tax purposes. it requires adding the cost of any improvements made to the property to the original cost paid.
alquist-priolo special study zone: earthquake fault zones only
prohibiting prepayment under a land sales contract is unenforceable after the first 12 months following the sale.
a deed is not a contract but a written instrument :
listings are employment contracts.
mortgages are loan contracts.
a land sales contract is a contract by name.
when the listing does not authorize receipt of a deposit, an agent can still accept a deposit but only as an agent of the buyer
creditors of a grantor may void a transfer by a gift deed.
due-on sale; 담보물을 처분할  대부금잔액 전부를 갚도록 저당계약서에 써넣은 조항 alienation clause 라고도 부름
fictitious trust deed: 이전 기록도 포함
economic rent ; market rent, 외부조건에 영향
capitalization rate: 순이익금의 많고 적음에 따라 정하는 투자액수의 적정회수율.수입에 근거한 부동산감정시 첫해의 순익을투자회수율로 나누면 감정가격이 나옴 (투자회수율공공건물의 투자가 사적용도에 투자하는 것보다 cap rate  낮음
obsolescence is most often seen as items that are out of style or out of date
physical deterioration : wear and tear, obsolescence 아님
accrued depreciation: 건물을 감정할  감정가격을 현재  건물을 새로 짓는다고 가정할때의 가격에서  차액accumulated depreciation 
a license can be revoked; an easement cannot be revoked
energy efficient ratio (eer) rating: air conditioning and heating units.
utility easements are classified as easements in gross which belongs to an individual and is not appurtenant to or transferred with a property
an express agency can be oral or written, but in either case is stated and mutually agreed to
an auto salvage yard has the potential of emitting hazardous wastes into the neighboring property being appraised, and thus a toxic waste study is advisable.
the moment the conflict arises; a dual agency is required to be disclosed to each client
agency law disclosure : five units or more  land 없는 mobile homes 빼고 모두 적용
a surrender : a mutual cancellation of a lease agreement by the landlord and the tenant.
an exclusive right to sell listing: express, bilateral, executory, employment contract
the unadjusted basis = the original cost of the property
carryback financing: 90 to redeem the property
a lease: an exclusive right of possession 소유를 독점으로 빌리는 
leverage: 최소한의 다운페이먼트로 재산획득
negative declaration: 주변환경에 부정적 요소가 없음을 명시
에인전트의 기록보관: 3
novation: 계약에서 one party another party 대신하는 
집주인이 exclusive right to sell listing 개시후 브로커와 일하기를 원치않을경우계약철회 또는 마케팅 노력에 협조안해도됨.하지만 손해에대한 책임은져야함
리스크부담을 줄이기위한 첫단계로 브로커는 identifies all the activities agents perform 해야함
the transfer disclosure statement (tds): 부동산 양도 공개문서집의 상태를 공개하는 법적 서류
fault zone :  natural hazard disclosure statement (nhd) disclosure
페인트  검출: 1978 이전
an unlicensed assistant  competitive market analysis (cma)
company trust account  있는 자금은 브로커가 재산주인을 대신하여 모기지 페이먼트에  .
joint tenancy: 공동소유주 사망후 그의 빚을 갚을 의무 없음title, time, possession, interest
title (소유권위험부담을 모두 안아주는 보험은 없음
promissory note: 약속 어음property owner (mortgagor)  사인
kickbacks (뇌물): real estate settlement procedures act (respa)  1974 금함
lender  결정에서 고려할 제일 중요한것론을 펀딩할때 상대적 리스크
mortgage financing terms 바꾸면 가격에만 영향미침
real estate loan 펀딩 결정시 서브프라임 론인 있으면 빌려주는 기관이 피함
the uniform standards of professional appraisal practice: the code of ethics for appraisers
부동산에서 주요 손실은 obsolescence에서 발생
economic obsolescence: governmental actions, such as a partial taking. ex) oversupply of like-kind properties, airport
the principle of substitution: the market data approach 포함구매자가 시세보다 높은 비용부담 안함.
the principle of contribution: value of improvement
the principle of anticipation현재의 가치가 미래에 어떤 영향을 미칠지엔 관한것
the principle of balance: the ratio of land + improvement value  전반적 가치를 극대화하는 
the real estate commission  의해 개시된 법적액션은 superior court 통해 다루어짐
zoning: 용도지정by the planning commission 따른 계획
subdivision: 5 이상의 유닛
soil pipe: 하수관
ostensible authority: 주인의 agent  고려되나 no discloser
defacing: 사인한 조항의 훼손이나 삭제
exclusive listing: 판매자의 동의하에 브로커가 property  살수있음
accretion : 자연변화에 의한  획득
unearned incremental increase: 소유주에 의해 얻어지는 게아니라 주인의 뜻한바없이 얻어지는 이득
condominium ownership: undivided interest + proportionate interest in the common areas
an estate of inheritance= fee simple (current ownership)
2구매자가 판매자에게 disclose 안된 부분에대한 손실분을 청구할수 있는 기간
16 units 이상의 아파트에 관리인 필요
option to buy: 특정기간동안 특정 금액에 구매할수있는 권리
easton v. strassburger court : 브로커가 관련사실 모두 드러내야함
the minimum age limit of senior housing: either 55 or 62. 
conversion requires the broker's personal use of client monies
regression: 같은 블록이 집이 좋지않아서 좋은 집의 가치가 동반 하락하는 
functional obsolescence: maintenance  관계없음가격이나 상황에 오버나 언더하는 경우임
in-house sale: 브로커가 판매자구매자도 될수있음.
r: residential use zoning, multiple units r-1보다 큰숫자 사용
agency relationships: 집구하는 사람과 브러커브로커와 퍼블릭 멤버들의 관계
developer: off-site improvements 설치 책임
pledge agreement: 담보계약서류로 설정
hypothecation: 담보계약, loan 이나 property  설정
loan estimate: 빌리는 사람에게 3일내 제공, october 3, 2015 부터 유효 under tila-respa integrated disclosure (trid) rules
real estate settlement procedures act (respa)  one-to-four unit residences 에게 적용
reconciliation: balancing a bank statement with a client's account
local district attorney: non-licensee 처리
an impound account : lender   trustor (borrower) 둘다 benefit,  property taxes  insurance 보장
the loss of depth: square foot  가격증가
property comparisons  entire property 근거
flashing: 지붕같은 곳에 물새는  (water seepage) 막는 메탈
wood shake roofs: open roof sheathing, 공기순환 시킴
multiple offers  거의 비슷한때 이뤄지면판매인에게 함께 동시에 present
real estate settlement procedures act (respa) u.s. department of veterans affairs (va)-guaranteed loan
pest control reports: u.s. department of veterans affairs (va)  몇몇 federal housing administration (fha) transactions 에서만요구
conditions, covenants and restrictions (cc&rs): 구매자가 요청한 10일내에 제공 (as a matter of good practice, cc&rs and other mandated disclosures are to be delivered as soon as practicable.)
company dollar: 커미션 지불하고 남은 
violating appraisal ethics, felony: 평가사의 부적절한 가치 평가
fee: 고정된게 아니라 협상가능
kiosk:  open-sided booth
the formation of an agency relationship: a written or oral agreement between both the principal and the agent.
capitalization rate (cap rate) : 세금에 영향  받음투자에 따른 return  중요
interlineation: 계약서 수정
the final step in the appraisal process reconcile the approaches and arrive at a conclusion
appraisal is an individual's opinion
a broker and a salesperson  계약기록은 종료후 3년유지
3: deposit  브로커의 trust account  넣어야함
structural pest control report  카피는 구매자가 받아야함
the cost method of appraisal: 공공건물의 가치산출적용 어려움 주거건물에 적용최고 가치 생산
california housing financing agency (calhfa) loan: 실직기간의 loan payment
notary acknowledgment in a grant deed: grantee 인증할 필요없음오피셜 seal 필요아이디 기록 보관
affirmation: formal declaration, without giving an oath
valid contract 위한 4가지: capable parties, consideration, legal object and mutual consent
§1031 real estate exchange, boot: unlike property received. cash received., mortgage relief. 교환 세금유예조항
agreed-to minimum commission schedule: 독점이 될수 있으니까violation of antitrust law
calvet home loan: 아무도 charge 안함. land sales contract 일뿐
buyer's closing statement에서 판매가는 바이어에게 
cpm: certified property manager
fictitious business name 또는 dba (doing business as)  만기가 5
1 sq. yard = 3 ft. x 3 ft. = 9 sq. ft
annual percentage rate (apr) is stated as a percentage and represents the total cost of credit including the prepaid interest costs (points)
compensating balance: 은행론 빌릴때 은행에서 일정금액의 예치를 요구
transfer disclosure statement (tds) became effective in 1987.
the agency disclosure law that became effective january 1, 1988
court proceeding : attachment, judgment, execution
enforceable contract : competency, mutual consent, lawful object, consideration.
deed provisions: 종교적 사용 금지
신문광고시 annual percentage rate (apr)  추가 재정 정보 필요없음
3년미만 commission on first trust deeds: 5 percent
a seller carryback note: specific lien
flood hazard report: 10년안에 적어도 2 홍수나면 frequency of floods
the formation of a valid contract:  offer and acceptance, a legal object,  consideration,  capable parties
adverse possession: 5년점유점유기간동안의 세금 완납
판매자의 계약위반구매자가 4년내 소송 (file a civil action)
리스팅 계약이전에 agency law disclosure  실패하여 판매자가 항의하면 브로커 fee  잃을수있음
vegetation is real property
prescription 법이 정한 기간만큼 남의 땅을 사용하든지 점유하고 있어서 생기는 지역권(easement)이나 역점유(adverse possession)
eminent domain: 정부가 개인땅을 보상하고 공공용도로 사용키위해 팔게함
impound: 저당권을 설정한 채무자가  담보물의 부동산세 , 보험료 등을 미루지 않고 지불하도록 저당권자(채권자)  돈을매달 조금씩 나눠받아 넣어놓고 대신 세금이나 보험료를 지불하는 신탁계정
oral agreements between brokers to split commissions are valid and enforceable
assignee: 타인의 재산권이나 계약권을 받은사람
accession 사람의  힘이나  자연현상에  따라  재산이  추가되는  
accretion 물이나  바람이  흙을  실어와  땅을  늘려주는  
alienation 재산 처분권
alluvium   때문에  늘어난  강가,  해안의 토지
assemblage 주인이  다른  토지들을  사서  모으는 행위
avulsion 홍수등에의한  토지의 분리
grant 부동산의  소유권을  타인에게  넘김
escheat 상속인이  없는  사람이  유서도  남기지  않고  사망했을    주정부가  일정한  기간  보관  후에  주정부에  귀속시키는  행위
adverse possession 불특정인이  타인의  부동산을  법이  정한  기간만큼 점유함하면  소유권을  차지하는  행위. ca  5 년간강제점유하고,  부동산세금도  지불하면  타인의  부동산을  자기  것으로  만들수  있음
base and meridian 동서,  남북을  연결하는 2개의 타운쉽 경계선을 정하기 위해서 사용
riparian rights 자기  토지  옆으로  물이  지나갈      물을      있는  토지소유자의 권리
leasehold estate 임차인이  빌린  부동산에  관해서  가지고  있는  권리
quit title action 부동산에  관한  소유권이나  사용권을  확인 위한 소송
eminent domain 공공의  이익을  위하여  사유지를  몰수할    있는  정부의  권리.  토지주인은  현시세에  따라서 보상받을 권리가  헌법( 5   개정)  의해  보장되어  있음
plottage 각각  다른 땅들을    주인이  사서    땅으로  만들었을때  생기는  가치의 상승.
lien 담보를  잡히고  돈을  꾸는  형태  또는  담보가  잡힌  
mechanics liens 부동산의  건축이나  개조를  위해  노동력  또는  재료를  제공한  사람들을  위해  법이    해당부동산을 담보로  잡고  빚을  받을    있도록  보장한  권리
attachment 가압류
appurtenance 담장,  정원의  장식,  건물,  차고  ,  과일나무    모두  토지에 따라가는  종속물
freehold estate 기한을  정하지  않고  소유할수  있는  상속부동산권이나  종신부동산권
encroachment 타인  소유지를  자기의  부동산이 불법으로  침해하고  있는  .  담장이나  처마가  남의    경계선을 침범하고  있을때
attorney in fact 사실상 대리인
subrogation 법적인  권리나  의무를  타인이  대신하는  .  남의  빚을  대신  갚는  .  계약시 보증인에 적용
ratification 주인의  일을  해주던  사람의  행위를 인정하는것
redlining 금융기관에서  어떤  지역을  주택융자를  해주지  못할  나쁜지역으로  정하는  행위.  주로  소수민족들이 모여사는 도시의  황폐화되는  일부지역에  대해  이런  정책을  쓰는데  켈리포니아에서는  불법이다.
trust account 신탁계정,  손님의  돈을  맡아서  공정히  관리하는  대리인의  계정.  대리인자신의  계정과는  엄겨히 떼어놓아야  한다.  신탁계정과  대리인  자신의  계정을  섞었을  때는 commingling (혼합),  손님의  돈을 썼을  때는 conversion (횡령)으로  처벌의  대상이  된다
ad valorem according to the value 가치에 따라서  세금을  부과
vacancy factor 빌려주는 건물중  일부에  임차자가  들어  있지  않은  비율
promissory note 채무자가  채권자에게  채무의  상환을  약속하는  증서
trust deed 부동산을 저당으로 돈을 빌리는 사람이 빚을  갚겠다는 담보로서 채권자가 지정하는 3자에게로 부동산의 소유권을 이전시켜 놓은 양도증서채무자가 채무이행을 하지 못하면 법적인 소유주인 3(피신탁인 trustee) 채권자(beneficiary) 명령을 받아 저당물을 팔아서 나머지 빚진 돈을 갚아주게 된다따라서 유질처분이 모게지의 경우보다 훨씬 쉬운 것이 특색이다.
land contract 부동산의 전주인이 그대로 소유권을 가지고 있으면서 부동산을 양도
hypothecate 채무자가  채무상환을  보증하기  위해  자기의  부동산을  그대로  소유한    저당권을 채권자에게  준다
amortization 부채를  일정기간에걸쳐  나누어  갚는것.
amortized loan 일정한  기간 원금과  이자를  합해서  같은  액수나  또는  거의  같은액수로  분활지불하는  부채.
junior mortgage  등기가  나중에    저당권(문서).  또는  먼저  등기를  했어도  스스로 하급저당권이  되기로     
straight note 이자    원금  지불방식어음,  채무자가  이자만  분할상환하다가  상환기간  마지막에  원금을  한꺼번에 갚도록   어음
usury 고리대금,  법이  정한것  이상의  이자율.  캘리포니아에서는  개인끼리의  거래에서는  대채로  연리 10%  이상을  받을   없음
balloon payment 빚을  분할상환할때  마지막  상환금액이  평소의  분활상환액수보다  불어나서  많아진  지불형태.캘리포니아에서는  최종상환액수가  그동안의  최저분활  상환액의  2배가  넘으면  풍선형으로  간주함
encumbrance 부동산소유권에  영향을  미치는  항목,  저당권,  담보,  지역권  따위 
cramdown· 채권 가격을 강제로 줄이는 
trustor = borrower
beneficiary = lender
pmi= private mortgage insurance
mpi = paid on government insurance loan
escrow 계약행위의 이행을위해 서류대행을해주는 중간수탁자에게 필요서류를 맡기는 
tenancy in common  2인이상이    재산을  공동으로  소유하고  있는  형태로서  살아남는  공동소유주가사망자의  소유분을 이어받을  권리는  없다.  소유분은  서로  꼭같지  않아도  된다.
joint tenancy  2  이상이  한가지  재산을  공동으로  소유하면서  소유주  가운데  1 인이  죽으면  나머지  소유주들이 사망자의  소유분을  똑같이  나눠가질    있는  방식.  생길때  부터  같은  시간에  (time),  같은  문서로(title),  같은  소유분을 (interest),  함께  소유  (possession),  하도록  만들어야   
abstract of title 소유권요약
quit claim deed 소유권포기증서,  어떤  부동산에  관해  자기가  아무런 권리도  소유하지  않고  있다는  것을  확인,  증명하는증서.  양도자가  이런  증서를  쓸때는 자기의  전소유권에  대해서 아무런 보증도해주지 않음
sheriff's deed 보안관이 법원판결을  집행하기위해 채무자의 부동산을 처분한   새로운 구입자에게 내어주는  증서
blockbusting 인종분포가  달라지고  있는  주택가의  주택소유주들에게  (,흑인이  들어오고  있는  백인지역)부동산투기업자나  부동산업자들이  공포감을  불어넣어  싼값에 팔도록  하는  불법행위. panic selling 이라고도   
material fact 실제적인  사실 
estoppels 먼저한주장을  나중에  부인하여  그것을  믿고  행동한  사람에게  손해를  입힐    없다
leverage 자기의 돈을  지렛대 받침으로  하고  남의  돈을  지렛대로  이용하여   부동산을  움직일  있다는  원칙
late charge 부동산월부금이나 분활지불금을 늦게  낼때  부과하는 벌금.  캘리포니아에서는  10 일동안은  과태를 허락하며 (grace period )    이후에는  최고  6센트까지의  벌금을  부과할    있으나  한번 과태에  1 회의 벌금밖에는  부과하지  못함
estate from period to period 일정기간만큼씩 임차료를 내고 계속해서  빌려들고 있는 부동산에  대한  권리.  예를들면 1주일씩 또는 1 개월씩 집세를 내면서 계속  같은 기간씩을  빌려가지고  있는  권리. periodic tenancy 라고도 
caveat emptor 구입자가  물건을  모두 살핀뒤에  자기가 위험부담을 안고사야 한다
habendum 부동산 양도 증서 가운데서 양도되는 물권을 밝히는 조항
breach 법적인  의무를  지키지  않는것
executory contract 계약당사자들이 아직  일이  남아있는  계약.  집행이  완료되지  않은 계약 
liquidated damages 손해  배상액
exclusive agency listing 주인이   경우  수수료  청구  못함
exclusive right to sell listing   누가팔든  수수료를  부담
net listing 부동산  소유주가 브로커에게  판매위탁을 할때 커미션을  정하지않고  부동산소유주에게  일정  액수를가져다  줄것을요구한 리스팅.  비싸게  팔면  브로커가  많은  커미션을 가지게  되지만  소유주가  달라고하는 네트보다  싸게팔게  되거나 같은가격에  팔면  커미션은 없음 
open listing 어떤  부동산중개인이건 부동산  소유주의  조건에  맞는 구입희망자를 데리고 오면 커미션을주겠다고  약속한  부동산판매위탁계약서.  여러명의  브로커에게  동시에  오픈  리스팅을      있으며  일단판매계약이  되면  나머지  오픈  리스팅들은  저절로  취소됨.
novation (채무,  계약  따위의갱신
vendor = seller under sales contract
optioner = property owner
vendee = buyer
trustee = a party to a note and trust deed
lessee = tenant
mortgagee = entity who rents mortgage
gross rent multiplier 총수입,  수입  부동산가격을  산출하는  방법  중의  하나로서  전체의  렌트를  주어진  숫자로곱해서  가격계산을  하는것.
documentary transfer tax 등기  이전세.   매매가격의  500달러당  55센트,  또는  1 천달러당  1 달러 10 센트를  받음.
half section = 320acres and 1 sq. mi
reproduction cost; cost to build an exact replica of the property
remodeling; to correct functional obsolescence
rehabilitation; restoring a property to a satisfactory condition without changing the floor plan
a comparable sale used in an appraisal affects value of the subject property
when appraising a special purpose property, an appraiser uses the cost approach the land residual method of appraisal = to determine the value of the land alone
the physical age of a house by the county records
the cost of all labor and materials in construction - quantity survey method.
appraisals of older apartment buildings - the determination of accrued depreciation
interim use: the eventual highest and best use of a parcel of real estate cannot be realized for a period of time
four important elements of value: transferability, utility, demand, scarcity
a property's effective gross income; by deducting vacancies and credit losses
the value of unimproved property estimated by the sales: comparison approach
the simplest method of estimating the replacement cost of an improvement; comparative method
regression = loss of value of an expensive home due to the close proximity of lower-priced homes in a neighborhood
a zoning change; a loss in value due to economic obsolescence
laches 권리행사의  태만,  일정기간에  권리행사를  하지  않으면  포기한  것으로  법이  해석함