
Real Estate

Check Your Understanding-Answers

  1. What required disclosure is a result of Megan's Law? 

    California requires that every sales contract or lease contain a notice which states that information about sex offenders registered under Megan's Law is available to the public on an Internet web site maintained by the Department of Justice.
  2. Which disclosures are NOT required to be made when selling residential property? 

    Natural deaths, unnatural deaths occurring more than three years prior to the sale and information about residents having AIDS or dying from AIDS.
  3. What is a public report and when must it be provided? 

    A public report is a statement from the Department of Real Estate that discloses to prospective buyers pertinent facts about a subdivision. Purchasers must sign a receipt indicating that they have received and accepted the report before they enter into the purchase transaction.
  4. What does the TRID require of lenders? 

    That they provide a copy of the booklet, “Your home loan toolkit” to every person at the time of application for a loan, a Loan Estimate of closing costs within three days of the loan application; that they let the borrower know in writing if they expect someone else to service the loan; that they give the Closing Disclosure to the buyer at least three business days before settlement.