
Real Estate

Check Your Understanding-Answers

  1. Name and define the two forms of advertising. 

    Institutional advertising attempts to establish a positive image of the company, its services and its reputation in the minds of the public.
    Product advertising is directed toward the particular properties a company has for sale.
  2. Explain the method used to write good advertising. 

    The AIDA standard says that if you want your ads to get results, they must capture the reader's Attention, arouse Interest in your product, create a Desire for the product and then prompt the reader to Action.
  3. What is important to remember about capturing the reader's attention? 

    This is the most critical step. If you don't capture the attention, you can't deliver the message.
  4. What do many firms do to avoid confusion with their advertising plan? 

    Many firms choose to have a single person in the office in charge of watching advertising costs, controlling volume, scheduling the advertising that meets the objectives, compiling advertising data and evaluating the effectiveness of the ads placed.