
Real Estate

Quiz Law 2

admin 2019.05.04 21:47 Views : 52861

1 of 25 - What refers to support provided by the adjacent property, such as a landowner having a right to demand that a neighboring property owner does nothing to cause the land to collapse?
Material support
Lateral support
Central support
Littoral support
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2 of 25 - What type of property is ownership of anything that is not real estate and the rights associated with owning the item?
An emblement
Real property
A datum
Personal property
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Personal property is ownership of anything that is not real estate, and the rights associated with owning the personal property item.
3 of 25 - The north-south area between consecutive meridians is called a
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The north-south area between consecutive meridians is called a range. A range is identified by its relationship to the principal meridian.
4 of 25 - What type of surveys use portable receiving antennas to gather data transmitted from satellites which are used to calculate the position of the object being located on the surface of the earth?
TA/AC surveys
ALTA surveys
GPS surveys
ALTA/SM surveys
You answered incorrectly
GPS surveys use portable receiving antennas to gather data transmitted from satellites which are used to calculate the position of the object being located on the surface of the earth.
5 of 25 - What type of survey locates and verifies all property corners and boundaries, shows the location of all improvements in relation to the property lines, includes an area of the overall property and shows any existing encroachments?
A location survey
A construction survey
A boundary survey
A site planning survey
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6 of 25 - What type of rights concern properties abutting bodies of water that are not moving, such as lakes and seas?
Inlet rights
Littoral rights
Real property rights
Riparian rights
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7 of 25 - Tangible property is physical, visible, and
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8 of 25 - The metes and bounds description always identifies an enclosed area by starting at an origination point called
point of beginning.
base point.
base point.
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9 of 25 - What is the conversion of real property to personal property by detaching it from the real estate called?
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10 of 25 - What type of rights apply to the real estate contained within the surface boundaries of the parcel?
Littoral rights
Water rights
Encumbrance rights
Surface rights
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11 of 25 - Property rights that are said "to run with the land" and includes things such as air rights, surface rights and subsurface rights are called
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12 of 25 - Items of personal property are also called
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13 of 25 - The three unique characteristics of land are immobility, indestructibility, and
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14 of 25 - The term "metes" refers to distance and direction and the term "bounds" refers to
variable landmarks.
fixed reference points.
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15 of 25 - What describes items of a tenant's personal property that the tenant has temporarily affixed to a landlord's real property in order to conduct business?
Personal devices
Trade fixtures
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16 of 25 - What did the federal government develop to simplify and standardize property descriptions as a replacement for the cumbersome and often inaccurate metes and bounds method?
The lot and block method
The rectangular survey system
The recorded plat method
The public survey system
You answered incorrectly
The federal government developed the rectangular survey system, or government survey method, to simplify and standardize property descriptions as a replacement for the cumbersome and often inaccurate metes and bounds method.
17 of 25 - What term means the right to mortgage a property as collateral for debt?
The right to exclude
The right to encumber
The right to finance
The right to rescind
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18 of 25 - What system uses physical features of the local geography, along with directions and distances, to define and describe the boundaries of a parcel of land?
Lot and block method
Rectangular survey system
Recorded plat method
Metes and bounds
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19 of 25 - What type of survey includes a topographic survey of a parcel of land which will be divided into two or more smaller tracts, lots or estate divisions?
A location survey
A construction survey
A site survey
A subdivision survey
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20 of 25 - What is the act of converting personal property to real property by attaching it to the real estate called?
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21 of 25 - What type of survey is a boundary survey with the additional location of all the interior improvements?
A topographic survey
A location survey
A site planning survey
A construction survey
You answered incorrectly
A location survey is boundary survey with the additional location of all the interior improvements.
22 of 25 - What term describes a personal property item that has been converted to real property by attachment to real estate?
A feature
A component
A fixture
A fitment
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23 of 25 - What describes real estate and the bundle of rights associated with owning the real estate?
Personal estate
Community property
Personal property
Real property
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24 of 25 - Air, water, land and everything affixed to the land is a definition of
intangible property.
real estate.
community property.
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25 of 25 - What describes a portion of land delineated by boundaries?
A section
A parcel
A tier
A plot
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