
Real Estate

Real Estate Law 12

admin 2019.05.05 20:48 Views : 201

Check Your Understanding Answers

  1. What are the three main forms of ownership?
    • In severalty – Held by only one owner
    • In co-ownership – Held by two or more people
    • In trust – Held by a third party for the benefit of someone else
  2. What four types of co-ownership does California recognize?
    • Tenancy in common
    • Joint tenancy
    • Community property
    • Tenancy in Partnership
  3. What does a living trust do?

    Allows the trustor, during his or her lifetime, to convey title to a trustee for the benefit of a third party
  4. What are the four unities needed to create a joint tenancy?
    • Unity of possession
    • Unity of interest
    • Unity of time
    • Unity of title