
Real Estate

Chapter 3 Summary

admin 2019.05.05 21:05 Views : 257

Chapter Review

Interests in Land

An interest in real estate is ownership of any combination of the bundle of rights to real property, including the rights to:

  • possess
  • use
  • transfer
  • encumber
  • exclude

Interests are principally distinguished by whether they include possession.

Estates in land

  • include right of possession; also called tenancies
  • leaseholds: of limited duration
  • freeholds: duration is not necessarily limited

Freehold estates imply "ownership" in contrast to leasehold estates.

Fee simple estate

  • also "fee"; most common form of estate; not limited by one's lifetime
  • fee simple absolute: highest form of ownership interest
  • defeasible: can revert to previous owner for violation of conditions

Life estate

  • fee estate passes to another upon death of a named party
  • remainder: interest of a named party to receive estate after holder's death
  • reversion: interest of previous owner to receive estate after holder's death

Conventional life estate

  • full ownership interest, limited to lifetime of life tenant or another named party
  • created by agreements between parties
  • ordinary: on death of life tenant, passes to remainderman or previous owner
  • pur autre vie: on death of another; passes to remainderman or previous owner

Legal life estate

  • automatic creation of estate through operation of law
  • designed to protect family survivors
  • homestead: rights to one's principal residence
  • homestead laws protect homestead from certain creditors
  • dower and curtesy: a life estate interest of a widow(er) in the real property
  • elective share: right to claim deceased spouse's property in lieu of will