
Real Estate

Real Estate Law 15

admin 2019.05.06 16:21 Views : 201

Check Your Understanding Answers

  1. Define “as of right zoning”.

    This term refers to those uses that are automatically allowed by the zoning code. They are allowed “as a matter of right.”
  2. What are the core purposes of land use control?
    • Preservation of property values
    • Promotion of the best use of property
    • Balance between individual property rights and the public good
    • Control of growth to remain within infrastructure capabilities
    • Incorporation of community consensus into regulatory and planning activities
  3. What are the two levels of approval a California general plan must pass?

    First, the planning commission must approve it with a majority vote. Second, the city council or county board of supervisors will adopt the plan as is or with modifications.
  4. List three types of public and private land use controls. (Additional correct answers on page 12.)
    • Covenants
    • Zoning regulations
    • Subdivision regulations