
Real Estate

Real Estate Law 17

admin 2019.05.06 19:29 Views : 534

Check Your Understanding Answers

  1. What are some examples of the exercise of police power?
    • Zoning ordinances
    • Building codes
    • Subdivision regulations
    • Eminent domain
    • Environmental restrictions
  2. What does eminent domain allow a government to do?

    Eminent domain allows a government entity to purchase a fee, leasehold, or easement interest in privately owned real property for the public good and for public use, regardless of the owner's desire to sell or otherwise transfer any interest. In exchange for the interest, the government must pay the owner "just compensation."
  3. What is a “taking?”

    A “taking” refers to the “taking clause” of the Fifth Amendment which says, in part, that private property cannot be taken for public use without just compensation.
  4. What do building codes address?
    • Architectural and engineering standards
    • Construction materials standards
    • Building support systems such as life safety, electrical, mechanical, and utility systems