
Real Estate

Quiz 4

admin 2019.05.06 20:43 Views : 8959

1 of 25 - What refers to a method for protecting land by transferring the "rights to develop" from one area and giving them to another?
Land acquisition transfer
Fee simple development
Transfer of development rights
Right of refusal
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2 of 25 - What are limitations placed on the use of land by the developer of a residential subdivision?
Adverse possession
Restrictive covenants
Development controls
You answered correctly
3 of 25 - Property taxes that are not paid result in a
deed restriction.
property lien.
property assessment.
tax lien.
You answered incorrectly
The State of California has the right to collect taxes from property owners. Property taxes that are not paid result in a priority lien on the property.
4 of 25 - If a California homeowner does not pay his or her full property tax amount by June 30th, the property is considered
in default.
You answered incorrectly
If the owner does not pay the full tax amount by June 30th, the property is considered in default.
5 of 25 - What describes a fungus that grows in the presence of moisture and oxygen on virtually any kind of organic surface?
Carbon monoxide
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6 of 25 - What gives a government entity the ability to fulfill its responsibility to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the public?
Official enforcement
Police power
Civil courts
You answered correctly
7 of 25 - Properties which are owned by the government are
called domains.
not exempt from the payment of property taxes.
exempt from the payment of property taxes.
required to pay a usury tax.
You answered correctly
8 of 25 - The two most important environmental disclosure requirements for licensees to be aware of are the Natural Hazards Disclosure Act and
the Clean Air Amendment.
the Coastal Zone Conservation Act.
the Lead-based Paint Act.
the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Faulting Zone Act.
You answered incorrectly
"The two most important environmental disclosure requirements for licensees to be aware of are the Natural Hazards Disclosure Act and Lead-based Paint Act."
9 of 25 - What describes a regulation enacted by the local government for zoning a city or county?
A mandate
A special use permit
An injunction
A zoning ordinance
You answered correctly
10 of 25 - What type of zoning allows more restrictive zoning uses to be allowed in less restrictive zones?
Noncumulative zoning
Incentive zoning
Cumulative zoning
Recreational zoning
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11 of 25 - What authorizes a use that is not consistent with the zoning ordinance in a literal sense, yet is clearly beneficial or essential to the public welfare?
An accessory use
A special use permit
A zoning ordinance
A deed restriction
You answered incorrectly
A special use permit or exception grant authorizes a use that is not consistent with the zoning ordinance in a literal sense, yet is clearly beneficial or essential to the public welfare and does not materially impair other uses in the zone.
12 of 25 - What type of taxes are levied on properties to pay for improvements, that will ideally increase the overall value of the property?
Personal property taxes
Improvement taxes
Special assessments
Rollback taxes
You answered incorrectly
Special assessments are typically one-time taxes levied on properties to pay for improvements that, ideally, will increase the overall value on the properties benefiting from and paying for the special assessment.
13 of 25 - What allows a use that differs from the applicable ordinance for a variety of justifiable reasons?
A proposed variance
An area variance
A zoning variance
A use permit
You answered incorrectly
A zoning variance allows a use that differs from the applicable ordinance for a variety of justifiable reasons.
14 of 25 - The most favorable management of real property usage must take into account both the interests of the individual and the interests of
the subdivision.
the surrounding community.
the government.
the HOA.
You answered incorrectly
The most favorable management of real property usage must take into account both the interests of the individual and the interests of the surrounding community. As a result, local governments create general plans for land usage.
15 of 25 - What type of use is one that clearly differs from current zoning and usually occurs when zoning change leaves existing properties in violation of the new ordinance?
Special use
Conforming use
Nonconforming use
Restrictive use
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16 of 25 - What term describes when a property owner dies with a valid will in place?
You answered incorrectly
If a property owner dies with a valid will in place, it is called testate.
17 of 25 - In order to qualify for FHA financing insurance, what type of requirements must a subdivision meet?
HUD requirements
FHA requirements
HOA requirements
Minimum standard requirements
You answered correctly
18 of 25 - Property owners can enforce covenants by taking a court action known as
an affidavit.
an injunction.
a complaint.
a decree.
You answered correctly
19 of 25 - The three most common types of zoning classifications are residential, commercial and
You answered correctly
20 of 25 - What does a developer submit for approval that contains surveyed plat maps and comprehensive building specifications?
An inspection report
A survey
A building plan
A plat of subdivision
You answered incorrectly
The developer submits a plat of subdivision containing surveyed plat maps and comprehensive building specifications. The plat, as a minimum, shows that the plan complies with local zoning and building ordinances.
21 of 25 - What describes legal rights that are attached to the ownership of a parcel of real estate?
Ownership rights
Parcel rights
A bundle of rights
Legal property rights
You answered correctly
22 of 25 - What type of property restriction places limits on how a property may be used?
An encumbrance
A lien
An easement
A deed restriction
You answered incorrectly
Individual deed restrictions place limits on how the property may be used. Restrictions are also known as “covenants, conditions and restrictions” or CCRs.
23 of 25 - What describes a powdery mineral once commonly used as a fireproof insulating material around pipes, in floor tiles and linoleum, in siding and roofing, in wallboard, joint compound and many other applications?
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24 of 25 - In 1848, courts in the United States recognized and enforced restrictive covenants to regulate land use in
public areas.
agricultural areas.
residential subdivisions.
You answered incorrectly
In 1848, courts in the United States recognized and enforced restrictive covenants to regulate land use in residential subdivisions.
25 of 25 - What 1969 Act created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Council for Environmental Quality, giving them a mandate to establish environmental standards for land use planning?
The Water Pollution Control Act
The National Environmental Policy Act
The Water Quality Improvement Act
The Resource Recovery Act
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