
Real Estate

Real Estate Law 29

admin 2019.05.07 13:01 Views : 615

Check You Understanding Answers

  1. What should an agent do if he or she realizes there is agency that has not been properly disclosed to someone?

    The agent should immediately provide property disclosure and/or end agency with one or both clients to show sincerity in fixing the disclosure that should have taken place. 
  2. Although legal in California, why is dual agency not encouraged?

    It is not encouraged due to the obvious conflict of interests it creates between parties in a real estate transaction since it limits the ability of brokers and agents to perform their fiduciary responsibilities. 
  3. What informational disclosure form must be provided to both sellers and buyers before they sign agency agreements with a broker?

    C.A.R Standard Form AD - “Disclosure Regarding Real Estate Agency Relationships”
  4. How must confirmation of agency relationships be done?

    Agency relationships must be must be confirmed in writing in either the purchase contract or in C.A.R Standard Form AC-6.