
Real Estate

Real Estate Law 51

admin 2019.05.10 12:09 Views : 170

Check Your Understanding Answers

  1. What does the Selection of Service Providers paragraph state?

    Brokers do not guarantee performance of any vendors, service, or product providers. Buyer and seller may select any providers of their choosing.
  2. List two items included in the Terms and Conditions of Offer paragraph. (Additional correct answers on page 45.)
    • Terms requiring specific initialing are only part of this agreement if initialized by all parties.
    • Prior to notification of acceptance, seller has the right to continue marketing the property and accept another offer.
  3. Who is responsible for initialing the Presentation of Offer section on Page 10 of the CAR Purchase Agreement?

    The person who presented the offer to the seller
  4. List the four paragraph titles on the CAR Counter Offer.
    • Terms
    • Expiration
    • Offer
    • Acceptance