
Real Estate

Real Estate Law 64

admin 2019.05.12 19:24 Views : 180

Check Your Understanding Answers

  1. What two factors primarily determine lien priority?
    • the lien's categorization as superior or junior
    • the date of recordation of the lien
  2. Give an example of when lienholders may subordinate their liens.

    A mortgage lender may require all other lienholders to subordinate their interest in order for the lender to provide the mortgage.
  3. What types of liens are considered superior liens?
    • Real estate tax liens
    • Special assessment liens
    • Federal and state inheritance tax liens
  4. Which tax liens are junior liens?
    • Federal income tax lien
    • State corporate income tax lien
    • State intangible tax lien
    • State corporation franchise tax lien