
Real Estate

Real Estate Law 80

admin 2019.05.15 15:40 Views : 183

Check Your Understanding Answers

  1. Explain marketable title.

    A marketable title is one that is so free of defects that the buyer is certain he or she will not have to defend the title.
  2. What is the purpose of the preliminary title report?

    The report shows the condition of the title before the loan or sale transaction.
  3. Describe a title insurance commitment. 

    The title insurance commitment is an agreement by the insurer to issue a title policy for a specific premium. The commitment includes the conditions and exceptions the actual policy will have. The title commitment document is in the same format as the title insurance policy but it is NOT an insurance policy.
  4. Who needs title insurance and why? 

    Both the buyer and the lender need title insurance. Insurance for the buyer ensures a clear title and protects his or her investment. Insurance for the lender protects the lender’s interest in the property.