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Resilience Roadmap

admin 2020.05.23 22:02 Views : 182

Customers and individuals

Customers and individuals are encouraged to stay home if they have a fever or other COVID-19 symptoms. Those with symptoms or elevated temperatures should not shop, get services in person, go to work, or gather with others. If you’re not sure if this applies to you, check your symptoms with this Symptom Screener.

Higher risk individuals (over 65 or with serious medical conditions) should continue to stay home until Stage 4. Minimize errands by getting groceries delivered or asking for help from friends or family.

Shop safely! Crowded settings increase your risk of exposure to COVID-19. Wear a face covering or cloth mask, stay 6 feet away from others, avoid touching your face, and wash your hands when you get home.

Stage 1: Safety and preparedness

Continue to build out testing, contact tracing, PPE, and hospital surge capacity.

Continue to make essential workplaces as safe as possible:

  • Physical and work flow adaption
  • Essential workforce safety net
  • Make PPE more widely available
  • Individual behavior changes

Prepare sector-by-sector safety guidelines for expanded workforce.

Stage 2: Lower risk workplaces

Gradually opening some lower risk workplaces with adaptations:

  • Retail (e.g. curbside pickup)
  • Manufacturing
  • Offices (when telework not possible)
  • Outdoor Museums
  • Limited Personal Services

Travel only for permissible activities: Stage 1 and 2 work, and local shopping related to open sectors, healthcare, food, personal exercise and outdoor recreation.

Some counties may move more quickly through stage 2, following guidelines laid out on the county variance page.

Other sectors, such as schools and dine-in restaurants with modifications, will be part of a later Stage 2 statewide opening.

Stage 3: Higher risk workplaces

Phase in higher-risk workplaces, beginning with personal care and recreational venues (with workplace modifications).

Localized travel for permissible activities: Stages 1-3 work, and local shopping related to open sectors healthcare, food, entertainment, personal care, exercise and recreation.

Stage 4: End of stay at home order

Open larger gathering venues, including nightclubs, concert venues, and live audience sports.

Resume non-essential activities and travel.