
US News


admin 2020.09.22 09:53 Views : 18624

Key Takeaways:

  • In June, Joe Biden pledged to release a list of potential Supreme Court nominees that he would select from if he was elected.

    • Biden even suggested that his campaign was actively “vetting” candidates.

    • But now that a vacancy on the Court has opened up, Biden is refusing to release a list.

  • Instead, Biden is trying to deflect and distract from his refusal to show the American people who he would put on the Supreme Court.

    • Yesterday, Biden falsely claimed that President Trump and his campaign only called on him to release a list after the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

    • As even CNN admitted: “This is just wrong. The Trump campaign and Trump himself had repeatedly said prior to Ginsburg's death that Biden should release a list of prospective Supreme Court nominees.”

    • Numerous times over several months, President Trump and his campaign have repeatedly called on Biden to release a list.

  • Unlike Biden, President Trump has been transparent and upfront with the American people about who he would appoint to our nation’s highest court.


Less Than Three Months Ago, Biden Said He Would Release A List Of Potential Supreme Court Nominees

In June, Biden “Seemingly Committed To Releasing A Shortlist Of Black Women He Would Consider As Potential Supreme Court Nominees” Ahead Of The Election.  “Former Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday seemingly committed to releasing a shortlist of Black women he would consider as potential Supreme Court nominees ahead of November’s general election We are putting together a list of a group of African American women who are qualified and have the experience to be on the court,’ Biden told reporters in Wilmington, Del., after delivering a speech focused on President Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.” (Quint Forgey, “Biden Says He’ll Release List Of Black Women As Potential SCOTUS Nominees,” Politico, 6/30/20)

  • Biden: “We Are Putting Together A List Of A Group Of African-American Women, Who Are Qualified And Have The Experience To Be On The Court. I Am Not Going To Release That Until We Go Further Down The Line In Vetting Them.” REPORTER: “And on another issue, that’s been in the news last week this week, probably next week, the Supreme Court. The President said he’s going to issue an updated list of potential nominees to the Court. You have said you would put a Black woman on the court, should a spot open up. But there are groups calling for you to release a list of specific names you’d put on the court. Are you going to do that?” JOE BIDEN: “One thing I hesitate to do, is to follow anything the President does at all, because he usually does it all wrong. We are putting together a list of a group of African-American women, who are qualified and have the experience to be on the Court. I am not going to release that until we go further down the line in vetting them, as well.” (Joe Biden, Remarks On COVID-19 And The Economy, Wilmington, DE, 6/30/20)