
US News

China is becoming a hot-button issue among Republicans vying for Georgia’s Senate seat in a special election.


Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Rep. Doug Collins are both aligning with President Trump and his tough talk about President Xi Jinping's handling of the COVID-19 outbreak.


If China “wants to be a world power, they have to act like a world power in all ways,” Collins told Fox News.


The fast-spreading coronavirus, which originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan, has infected 7.6 million Americans and killed 212,800, more than in any other country in the world. Lockdowns aimed at slowing the disease resulted in trillions of dollars of damage to the U.S. economy and the sharpest slowdown of the post-World War II era.


“We have to hold China accountable and make sure that this never happens again,” said Loeffler, a career businesswoman appointed to her seat by Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.


To do so, the first-term senator has backed several bills that reduce America’s reliance on China for the production of pharmaceuticals and other key manufacturing and voted in favor of delisting foreign companies from U.S. exchanges if they fail to comply with audit requests for three years.


She has also voted in favor of numerous other bills that toughen the U.S. stance against Beijing.