
US News

Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward told Newsmax in an interview on Tuesday that the GOP would push for a thorough investigation of allegations of voter fraud and other election irregularities.

“We are going to turn over every rock looking for slime that is infecting our election integrity,” Ward told the outlet.

The issues she noted include questions about out-of-state voters casting ballots, deceased people voting, and concerns that some people’s votes were not being counted.

“We have questions whether ballots that were pushed through the machine by the poll workers pushing the green button to override protections have actually been counted,” she said.

“We have evidence and complaints of people that do not live in Arizona, but they’re being notified by the elections department ‘Thank you for voting,’” she said, adding, “We have evidence of people who have passed away casting ballots.”

Trump loyalist who insulted McCain worries Republicans now that she leads Arizona  GOP - Los Angeles Times