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Lawsuits and Recounts - Wisconsin

admin 2020.11.21 17:35 Views : 44

Langenhorst v. Pecore (1:20-cv-01701)

A third-party lawsuit filed in Wisconsin is seeking to exclude election results in three of the state’s counties, alleging that “sufficient evidence that illegal votes were counted.” The lawsuit, filed by three voters, asks the court to invalidate and block the certification of the election results.

Nov. 13: Lawsuit filed.

Nov. 16: Plaintiffs voluntarily request to dismiss the lawsuit and the judge terminated the case.

Recount update:

Nov. 4: The Trump campaign says it will request a recount in Wisconsin.

Nov. 7: Justin Clark, Trump’s deputy campaign manager, announces that his team would initiate the recount.

Nov. 18: The Trump campaign says it will file for a partial recount in Wisconsin that targets several counties, spending $3 million to cover the estimated cost.


Wood v. Raffensperger (1:20-cv-04651)

Lin Wood, an attorney with Trump’s reelection campaign sued Georgia’s Secretary of State and election officials in a bid to stop the certification of election results, claiming that election rules unconstitutionally changed by state officials could have invalidated absentee ballots cast in the 2020 election.

Nov. 13: Lawsuit filed.

Nov. 16: Amended complaint filed (pdf).

Nov. 19: Federal judge denies a request to block the certification of the state’s election results. The judge ruled that Wood lacked legal standing as an individual voter to challenge Georgia’s election procedures.

In Re: Enforcement of Election Laws and Securing Ballots Cast or Received After 7:00 P.M. on November 3, 2020

The Trump campaign and the Georgia Republican Party filed a lawsuit in Georgia alleging that absentee ballots were improperly counted after the state’s deadline.

Nov. 4: Lawsuit filed.

Nov. 5: A judge in Georgia dismisses the lawsuit.

Recount updates:

Nov. 6: Georgia’s secretary of state announces that the state will have a recount.

Nov. 11: Georgia’s secretary of state announces the state would conduct a manual hand recount.

Nov. 13: The largest hand recount of ballots in U.S. history begins in Georgia. The secretary of state’s office has instructed county election officials to complete the audit by 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 18. The deadline for the state to certify the results is Nov. 20. The Trump campaign is challenging the recount process because it does not include signature matching.

Nov. 19: Georgia finishes its statewide risk-limiting hand count audit of the 2020 election results and “upheld and reaffirmed the original outcome produced by the machine tally of votes cast.” The Trump campaign is disputing the results, arguing that the hand recount did not include a signature matching process and so “simply recounted all of its illegal ballots.”