
US News


admin 2020.11.23 20:47 Views : 25


Michigan certified its election result on Nov. 23, declaring Biden the winner in the state. The Trump campaign and a right-wing group nonetheless have two pending lawsuits in the Wolverine State.


The campaign lawsuit, Trump v. Benson, is pending appeal by the Michigan Court of Appeals. The appeal sought an order from the court directing the Michigan secretary of state to “direct local election jurisdictions to allow election challengers to observe the processing and adjudicating of ballots and election challengers to observe video recordings of absent voter ballot drop off boxes according to Michigan law.”


It is unclear if the appeal will stand given that Michigan has certified the election results.


“Certification by state officials is simply a procedural step. We are going to continue combatting election fraud around the country as we fight to count all the legal votes. Americans must be assured that the final results are fair and legitimate,” Jenna Ellis, Trump campaign senior legal adviser, said in a statement.


The certification of the results may nonetheless revive another lawsuit, which the Trump campaign dismissed after Republicans on the board of canvassers in Wayne County rescinded their votes for the certification of the county’s election results. The campaign sought the same result in its lawsuit and filed a voluntary dismissal after the Board of Canvassers members signed affidavits withdrawing their votes. The statewide certification, which overrides the Wayne County decision, is likely to revive the lawsuit.


The Trump campaign didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.


A separate third-party lawsuit, Costantino v. Detroit, is on appeal before the Michigan Supreme Court. The plaintiffs in that lawsuit sought to block the certification and demanded either an audit or a new election.