
US News


admin 2020.11.23 20:50 Views : 35


A lone lawsuit is still active in Georgia, which wrapped up a risk-limiting audit and certified its election results last week. In Wood v. Raffensperger, an attorney associated with the Trump campaign sued Georgia’s secretary of state seeking to enjoin the certification of the election results. A federal judge dismissed the motion for an injunction.

Wood’s original filing included sworn affidavits from people who witnessed the risk-limiting audit and alleged alarming errors and potential fraud. Three witnesses alleged that Trump votes were counted for Biden. At least eight others said they witnessed batches of pristine, uncreased absentee ballots. The condition of the ballots was a red flag because absentee ballots are folded in order to be placed in a privacy envelope, regardless of whether they’re cast in person or by mail.

Republican attorneys have also hinted that the campaign is ready to file a major lawsuit in the Peach State with allegations not yet raised in any of its other litigation.