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website belonging to former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, who recently filed lawsuits on behalf of President Donald Trump alleging election fraud, appear to have been blocked by Twitter.

When one tries to share the link,, or includes it in a direct message, the social media website says: “Something went wrong, but don’t fret—let’s give it another shot.”

Another message toward the bottom of the screen adds: “We can’t complete this request because this link has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially harmful. Visit our Help Center to learn more.” The message does not elaborate on why the website is “potentially harmful” and doesn’t identify who “our partners” might be.

Some users later posted that including the text, “defendingtherepublic dot org,” is a way to circumvent Twitter’s censors.

When one clicks on a link to Powell’s website that successfully went through on Twitter, the website includes a “warning: this link may be unsafe” message. “The link you are trying to access has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially spammy or unsafe,” it reads.

Twitter has not responded to a request for comment.

Powell, who previously appeared in a news conference with President Donald Trump’s team, filed several lawsuits on Wednesday, alleging that there were “hundreds of thousands of illegal, ineligible, duplicate, or purely fictitious ballots” in Michigan, and alleged voter fraud and irregularities in Georgia.

Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell speaks to media while flanked by Trump lawyer and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (L) and Trump campaign senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis at a press conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington on Nov 19, 2020. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

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