
US News

Big tech and corporate media played an outsized role in the 2020 election, says California Congressman and House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes. And based on how the Biden team is responding to evidence of election irregularities and potential fraud, former Vice President Biden does not seem confident in victory, Nunes says.

To actually get their ideas out to Americans, Nunes says conservatives should move to social media alternatives such as Parler and Rumble, ones that prioritize free speech and open discourse.

Rep. Nunes: The first I have is that in any contested election, and in this case there’s multiple states that are within just a sliver of flipping one way or the other, we never call local city council races that are this close, we never call members of Congress that are this close. In fact, we’ve got five or six right now that are still too close to be called. Some are already in a recount. So that’s what I think.

There’s a false media narrative that’s been created to move us past the election, it started essentially election night. And they were ready to call Biden the winner [on] election night, even though he was behind in six or seven states that he’s now pulled ahead in.

So it’s critically important that we make sure that all of these elections are certified and that the American people have confidence in the integrity of our election systems. Without that, begins a type of collapse of people’s confidence that we’re already seeing across government, whether it’s with the Department of Justice, or the FBI, etc., etc.

I don’t think that any of this is done. Obviously, Biden’s ahead in all of these states, so he’s in the pole position. But we need to make sure that there was a free and fair election here.

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