
US News

The supporters and allies of President Donald Trump are in the midst of a disinformation campaign aimed to divide and distract them, said a former special forces officer.

The officer, who asked to remain anonymous, told The Epoch Times’ Joshua Philipp that a bipartisan opposition against the president has orchestrated the disinformation campaign to obscure the “real fraud and malevolence” that occurred during the 2020 election.

One of the disinformation narratives, according to the officer, is that voting data was retrieved from a server facility during a military raid in Frankfurt, Germany, which would prove fraud in the presidential election. Some of Trump’s allies have been spreading the claim in recent days, which the U.S. Army has denied.

“Prominent Trump supporters, prominent GOP figures started that narrative,” the officer said. “They did not do so to hurt the president. They did it because they thought it would help him.”

“This means they got that information from someone they thought they could trust,” the officer continued. “These prominent GOP figures were given this narrative by someone they trusted, and they made sure it stayed in the press even after it was debunked.”

The officer said the claim about the German server raid misled the public, damaged efforts to “accurately go after the fraud.”

“The goal here was never the presidency. The goal from the opposition was to fundamentally change the country,” the officer said. “They are attacking the efficacy of the constitution. This is the danger of disinformation. It distracts people from what the real threats are.”

Color Revolution Tactics Being Used in US

The officer said the color revolution tactics that had been used during the Arab Spring uprisings to bring regime changes to the Middle East are now being used in the United States for the same purpose.

“A color revolution is a tactic to affect regime change. What I see happening is a Marxist insurgency; that’s using a color revolution to affect regime change,” the officer warned.

The officer then talked about how Barack Obama, who spent eight years to “seed his political allies all through the institutions,” created an “underground” or “shadow government” supported by media and rioters.

“With the president being unable to get his own people into the administration, we effectively had a third administration of Obama,” the officer said. “So we come to what we have today: The underground are the elements within the government. We saw how they opposed the president, how they tried the impeachment.”

“The press is the auxiliary on the outside. The only thing we’re missing is a real guerrilla force, and we would be mistaken to think that’s just Antifa or Black Lives Matter. There are professional revolutionaries within those movements.”

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