
US News

Each time a member of the big media reports on someone referring to acts of fraud or even irregularities in the Nov. 3 presidential election, they describe them as "baseless claims" or "unproven."

Such words are included in almost every wire story since election day published by the Associated Press, Reuters, Bloomberg, and others.

Actually, there are many examples of vote fraud that took place during the 2020 election, and serious evidence of voting irregularities relating to the main-in ballots.

Here is what we do know:

Nevada: The Silver State rushed a universal vote-by-mail measure through the legislature in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill, known as AB 4, lacked safeguards to assure voter identity and was implemented without cleaning voter rolls of deceased voters, those who had moved, or who had become ineligible to vote.

Attorney Jesse Binnall testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Dec. 16 as to what resulted.

He had proof of nearly 90,000 fraudulent or improper votes that were cast, including instances where:

  • More than 42,000 people voted multiple times.
  • At least 1,500 people listed as "dead" voted.
  • More than 19,000 non-residents voted.
  • In excess of 8,000 people cast mail-in votes from non-existent addresses.
  • Over 15,000 votes were cast from commercial or vacant addresses.
  • Nearly 4,000 non-citizens voted.

Considering Biden took Nevada by 33,596 votes, these allegations are serious.

Arizona: The Arizona Republican Party alleges more than 100,000 ballots might have been improperly cast in the Grand Canyon State, including some 28,000 duplicated ballots in Maricopa County alone.

Arizona GOP party chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward also addressed in one of her video reports the subject of "fake news" outlets, that tend to mischaracterize allegations of voter fraud.

"We are trying to have integrity in our electoral process," she said, adding: "We have every right to make legal challenges."

Again, only 10,457 votes separate Biden and President Donald Trump on Arizona, a 0.3% difference.

Wisconsin: President Trump's legal team sought to have some 221,000 ballots disqualified that were cast in the state's two most heavily Democratic counties — Dane and Milwaukee.

At issue were incomplete absentee ballot envelopes where clerks filled in missing information, as well as those that were issued without a proper request, and still others that were the subject of ballot harvesting.

In a narrow 4-3 ruling, the Wisconsin Supreme Court rejected the challenge, claiming the campaign was "not entitled to the relief it seeks."

The campaign filed its petition for a writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday.

Only 20,682 votes separate Trump and Biden in the Badger State, 0.61%.

One can hardly say this is a "baseless" claim, and pure reason has many people suspicious.

Biden underperformed Obama in 80% of Wisconsin counties but hugely outperformed in just five counties to win the state.

Michigan: While the Trump campaign has made an issue of the voting systems and software used throughout the state, allegations of widespread fraud remain unproven.

The Trump legal team has presented additional evidence of voter fraud and irregularities before the Michigan state Senate Oversight Committee on Dec. 1.

In one instance, a "Guard the Vote" volunteer testified he went through 30,000 of the 172,000 Detroit absentee ballots — about 17%. Some 229 were dead voters and 2,660 listed invalid addresses.


Finally, Republican poll watchers were denied access for proper ballot monitoring due to alleged COVID-19 concerns.

Pennsylvania: Nothing about the Keystone State made sense.

Like Detroit, Philadelphia election officials denied Republican poll watchers adequate access into counting rooms, requiring them to seek a court order.

"Trump campaign staffers marched into the PA Convention Center with a court order giving them the right to stand 6 feet away from sorters, instead of the previously allotted 20 feet," reported CBS3 Philly reporter Alecia Reid.

Most recently, a group of 17 Republican state lawmakers released a blockbuster statement Monday, alleging 202,377 more votes were cast than there were voters who voted. State Rep. Frank Ryan, who has a background as a certified public accountant, led the investigation and released a statement.

"These numbers just don't add up, and the alleged certification of Pennsylvania's presidential election results was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error," the statement said.

Georgia: The biggest bombshell was a video that appears to depict news media and poll watchers being ushered out of the counting room in an Atlanta tabulation center.

After all but a few workers left, suitcases of what appear to be ballots are removed from underneath a table and are run through machines.

Georgia failed to use signature verification and other measures to certify mail-in ballots. Rejection rates — not allowing non-eligible mail-in ballots — plummeted in 2020 from the 2018 election.

Other irregularities:

In addition to outright claims of fraud, state and local officials in at least four states — Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia — used the pandemic to make last-minute changes to their state voting laws.

The U.S. Constitution provides only each state legislature may set the time, place, and manner of elections.

This prompted Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to file a lawsuit against the four states with the United States Supreme Court for allegedly exploiting "the COVID-19 pandemic to justify ignoring federal and state election laws and unlawfully enacting last-minute changes, thus skewing the results of the 2020 General Election."

In a statement he said, "Trust in the integrity of our election processes is sacrosanct and binds our citizenry and the States in this union together. Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin destroyed that trust and compromised the security and integrity of the 2020 election."

Despite the fact 18 more states signed on to Texas' petition, the Supreme Court dismissed the case, citing lack of standing. Only Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito dissented.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a student of history, compared the long list of anomalies to another election nearly 200 years in the past.

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