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Top 10 Reasons to Recall Gavin Newsom

admin 2021.09.14 03:49 Views : 126

Top 10 Reasons to Recall Gavin Newsom


Reason #10: Insider Corruption:

Newsom awarded $221M+ in no-bid contracts this year alone to UnitedHealth, a top campaign contributor.



Reason #9: EDD Fraud

Newsom’s administration ignored months of warnings and a 4-day fix that could have saved California upwards of $30 billion in fraud.



Reason #8: School Closures

California had fewer schools open than any other state, while Newsom’s kids were learning in-person in private school.



Reason #7: Prisoner Releases:

As homicides hit a 13-year high, Newsom shut prisons and cleared the release of 76,000 inmates.



Reason #6: Homelessness Rising

Newsom wasted billions converting motels as homeless on streets increased 17% in his first year in office and 7% more in his second year.



Reason #5: Business Departures

Tesla, Oracle, and Toyota left and 19,000 businesses permanently closed even as Newsom oddly declared “there’s literally no better place to do business.”



Reason #4: Wildfire Lies and Broken Promises

Newsom did 1/7th of what he promised and then lied about it, leaving the state vulnerable to tragedies like the Dixie Fire.



Reason #3: Abuse of Power

Newsom’s overreach was shot down in court multiple times. 



Reason #2: Hypocrisy

Dining at the French Laundry maskless and sending his kids to a camp that refused to enforce his own mask rules.



Reason #1: The California Exodus

2020 was the first year the state lost more people than it gained.

