
Business Info

Irvine's tourism information is coordinated through the Destination Irvine program run by the Chamber of Commerce. The program provides information on Irvine as a place to vacation and as a destination for meetings, events and other business initiatives. Irvine has been rated one of the top cities for start-up businesses and its strong, fast-growing economy helped place Orange County as one of the top ten fastest growing job markets.
1. Secure your home WiFi. Make sure your wireless router has a strong password you change regularly. Also, make sure you're updating the router software as soon as it prompts you to. Having an unsecured router is similar to leaving your front door open.


2. Post online with care. Without realizing it, you may be posting clues on social media that identity thieves may collect to put together a profile on you, which they could then use to guess security questions like: "What was your city of birth" or "What was your high school mascot?"


3. Power up your protection. Monitor more and protect more with a simple upgrade to TrueIdentity Premium. Get Dark Web Monitoring to find out if your personal information is on any of thousands of illegal sites we scan. Boost your identity theft insurance coverage to $1,000,000. Use even-farther-reaching fraud-fighting tools.191-1915549_transparent-car-keys-clipart-keys-pictogram-hd-png.png