
Business Info

Irvine's tourism information is coordinated through the Destination Irvine program run by the Chamber of Commerce. The program provides information on Irvine as a place to vacation and as a destination for meetings, events and other business initiatives. Irvine has been rated one of the top cities for start-up businesses and its strong, fast-growing economy helped place Orange County as one of the top ten fastest growing job markets.

Tesla’s second assembly line near Shanghai Gigafactory to add 450,000 units of annual capacity


The new production line, which will come up near its existing plant, will produce Model 3 and Model Y cars

Tesla thanks local authorities for their aid in helping to restart production at the plant, where idling caused lost production of 50,000 units.


상하이 기가팩토리 인근에 위치한 Tesla의 두 번째 조립 라인, 연간 450,000개 생산 능력 추가


기존 공장 근처에 들어설 새로운 생산 라인은 Model 3 및 Model Y 자동차를 생산할 예정.

Tesla는 공장 미가동으로 인해 50,000대의 생산 손실이 발생한 공장에서 생산을 다시 시작할 수 있도록 도움을 준 지역 당국에 감사했다.


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