
Business Info

Irvine's tourism information is coordinated through the Destination Irvine program run by the Chamber of Commerce. The program provides information on Irvine as a place to vacation and as a destination for meetings, events and other business initiatives. Irvine has been rated one of the top cities for start-up businesses and its strong, fast-growing economy helped place Orange County as one of the top ten fastest growing job markets.

New Zealand

New Zealand is prohibiting the export of goods to the Russian military and security forces in response to the invasion of Ukraine.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 25, 2022 in Auckland, New Zealand.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced Friday that it would cut trade with Russia and impose travel bans against Russian officials as it continued to call for a return to diplomatic dialogue to resolve the crisis.
"Right here and now we need to take immediate action," Ardern said in a press conference in Wellington.
"This is the blatant use of military might and violence that will take innocent lives and we must stand against it."