
Business Info

Irvine's tourism information is coordinated through the Destination Irvine program run by the Chamber of Commerce. The program provides information on Irvine as a place to vacation and as a destination for meetings, events and other business initiatives. Irvine has been rated one of the top cities for start-up businesses and its strong, fast-growing economy helped place Orange County as one of the top ten fastest growing job markets.


1.Whom do you support for presidential election of South Korea in 2022?

     Yoon:  48.8 %

     Lee:   27.1 %

     Ahn:   6.3%

     Nobody: 17.8%


2.Who do you think will win the presidential election of South Korea in 2022?

    Don't Know : 68.7%

    Yoon: 21.3 %

    Lee: 8.7 %

    Ahn: 1.3%


3. Please explain why you answered the second question.

   Election Rigging : 61.3%

   No Outstanding Candidates : 25.3%

   I Don't Care : 13.4% 


* About the Survey

The analysis in this report is based on telephone interviews conducted January 4-11, 2022 among a national sample of 1,003 Korean American adults 18 years of age or older living in the continental United States.