
Real Estate

Check Your Understanding-Answers

  1. What is the primary criticism that sellers have about their agents? 

    Lack of communication.
  2. When you meet with your sellers after you obtain the listing, what is one of the first things you should share with them to get them involved in the process? 

    It's important and helpful to give the sellers written homeowner tips for improving the cosmetic aspects of both the interior and exterior of their property.
  3. What kinds of things should you include in a weekly activity report? 

    Number of inquiries on the property that week 
    Number of showings 
    Advertising done that week 
    Open houses held 
    Number of open house visitors 
    Comments made by other agents or prospective buyers

  4. How can you prepare your sellers for receiving offers? 

    Share a blank copy of the purchase agreement with them and go over each of the paragraphs on the form. Also talk to them about the possibility of getting a quick offer and the consequences that could result from the tendency to reject such an offer.