
US News



I'd like to introduce the strategy to strengthen the Chinese Communist Party's global dominance.

It has a bad intention, so I will express it as a scheme.

Before looking at CCP's strategy, let's first look at China's economic environment.

China was one of the very poor countries 30 to 40 years ago.

Many companies such as Samsung, Apple, GM, and Microsoft have entered China.

As a result, China has become the world's second largest economy.

However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is not satisfied with this.

CCP have an ambition to dominate the world.

The first is to dominate the world press company.

A lot of money is given to media companies by pretending to be advertisements.

The Chinese Communist Party makes journalists directly and makes them work for media companies.

The CCP supports them until they grow into key members of the media.

And they make and distribute media manipulation, false articles for the media in favor of the Chinese Communist Party.


Famous media organizations such as CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and CNBC are already pro-Chinese.

Numerous media outlets in Asia, Europe and Africa are already cooperating with China(CCP).

These media companies are also helping as partners in the Master's Program in Journalism at Tsinghua University in China.

The second is to directly or indirectly support the state or politicians with funds.


The CCP has funded left-wing politicians or left-wing political parties.

Free infrastructure support was provided to various underdeveloped countries such as Africa, 

making it a pro-Chinese government.

China's Belt and Road Initiative and China Dream are China's strategy for global reignition.

The Chinese coronavirus is made in China.

It was created to increase world dominance through vaccine development and supply.

The scary fact is that this is a biochemical weapon that can be attacked directly.

It is currently called COVID19, but it is correct to name it China Virus.

However, the CCP's strategy failed.

This is because the United States understood the intention of the Chinese Communist Party.

Countries such as Australia, the European Union, Japan, and India, centered on the US, put a brake on China's bad intentions.

China, which began to become isolated, turned to Korea as a partner. 

Please keep an eye on the trend of the world situation as to how the confrontation between these two groups will unfold in the future.