
US News

Federal Election Commission (FEC) Chairman Trey Trainor said that affidavits from the Trump campaign show that fraud has occurred during the November general election.


“The massive amounts of affidavits that we see in these cases show that there was in fact fraud that took place,” he said during an interview with “Just the News AM” on Friday.


He said it’s important to have transparency surrounding the election process and that answering questions raised by the Trump campaign over election integrity is “very important for the legitimacy of the presidency.”


In response to a question from reporter Carrie Sheffield, Trainor specifically mentioned a sworn affidavit by Steven Miller, a professor of mathematics at Williams College.


Miller—who specializes in analytic number theory and sabermetrics—flagged nearly 100,000 ballots in Pennsylvania for potential voter fraud after analyzing election data and phone interviews.


Between 89,397 to 98,801 ballots were either requested by someone other than the registered Republican, or requested and returned but not counted, he said.



Trainor said that Miller is clearly qualified as an expert witness in almost any court in the United States and that the court would have to look at the information he has provided.


Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden didn’t respond immediately to a request for comment from The Epoch Times.


Trey Trainor, the Nation's Top Election Official, Has Overdosed on the  Trump Kool-Aid