
US News

Gregg Jarrett: 'Russia hoax' was a lie created by Hillary Clinton and one of the dirtiest political tricks ever


It is truly reprehensible that the CIA, FBI, and Obama concealed this vital information over the last four tumultuous years. The truth would have dramatically altered Trump's presidency, spared Americans from a rancorous national nightmare, and saved taxpayers $30 million in a phony investigation.


It was Clinton who should have been investigated for promulgating a lie, not Trump.


The evidence also shows that Trump was the victim of a contemptible hoax. He became the innocent target of a baseless and exhaustive witch hunt. 


And yet, Obama remained silent. Did he do so to protect Clinton, his chosen successor, and to destroy Trump? The question answers itself.


The former president sat idly by and watched as the country devolved into convulsive turmoil. He uttered not a word about the incriminating evidence he had seen. He could have blown the whistle on Clinton, Comey, Brennan and others. Obama's failure to do so is an ugly stain on his legacy.


Brennan shares equal blame. As a paid commentator for MSNBC, he repeatedly stoked the odious narrative that Trump was a Russian asset, knowing full well that it was untrue. He even accused Trump of treason. Brennan's conduct and conspicuous silence are, by any reasonable standard, despicable.


In reaction to the recently declassified disclosures, Brennan now claims that Clinton didn't do anything wrong or illegal. Really?


Then why did he send a referral to Comey in September of 2016 calling for the FBI to investigate Clinton for conjuring up the false allegations against Trump and feeding it to the FBI and Department of Justice? Giving federal law enforcement agencies knowingly false information might well constitute crimes and Brennan obviously knew that. His revisionist deflection is transparently vacuous.


It should surprise no one that Comey's dirty fingerprints are all over the collusion lie. When confronted last week during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with the evidence of Brennan's referral against Clinton, Comey feigned no memory of receiving it or acting on it. "It doesn't ring a bell," he muttered. In Comey's mind, the whole episode had vanished. Poof!


Comey's sudden onset of acute amnesia was laughably preposterous. When the CIA tells you that a presidential candidate has concocted and propagated false evidence against her opponent and demands an investigation, it's not something any FBI director would forget. Ever.


If nothing else, the newly disclosed evidence confirms just how immoral, conniving, deceitful, and unscrupulous Hillary Clinton is. Her malevolence knows no bounds. But the evidence also shows that Trump was the victim of a contemptible hoax. He became the innocent target of a baseless and exhaustive witch hunt.


In the wake of these revelations, President Trump has renewed his demand/order that all relevant documents pertaining to the Russian investigation be declassified and released, including all redactions.


How much other damning evidence of government corruption is still hidden? If the most recent disclosure is any indication, there are mountains of it.



Americans deserve the full and unadulterated truth. Anything less would only compound the collusion lie with even more cover-ups.