HR Glossaries

A - E ACV (Actual Cash Value)

HRConsultant1 2013.05.26 01:02 Views : 1455

Actual cash value

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the property and casualty insurance industry, Actual Cash Value (ACV) is a method of valuing insured property.

Actual Cash Value (ACV) is computed by subtracting depreciation from the replacement cost. The depreciation is usually calculated by establishing a useful life of the item and determining what percentage of that life remains. This percentage times the replacement cost gives the ACV.

As an example: a man purchased a television set for $2,000 five years ago and it was destroyed in a hurricane. His insurance company says that all televisions have a useful life of 10 years. A similar television today costs $2,500. The destroyed television had 50% (5 years) of its life remaining. The ACV equals $2,500 (replacement cost) times 50% (useful life remaining) or $1,250.

This concept is different from the book value used by accountants in financial statements or for tax purposes. Accountants use the purchase price and subtract the accumulated depreciation in order to value the item on a balance sheet. ACV uses the current replacement cost of a new item.