
Real Estate

Check Your Understanding-Answers

  1. What are the five aspects that are involved in any selling approach? 
    • Knowing your product.
    • Communicating information effectively. 
    • Establishing rapport with the buyer. 
    • Identifying and handling objections. 
    • Asking for the sale. 
  2. When establishing rapport, what's one of the best ways to get to know your buyers? 
    • Ask open-ended questions to get buyers talking about their needs, wants and desires.
  3. What signals do buyers use to indicate they may be willing to make a purchase? 
    • Buying signals include actions, words and body language.
  4. What's a bonus closing and what's important to keep in mind about this technique? 
    • A bonus closing offers an inducement for the sale, usually in the form of something the seller will include in the sale. An agent should use this close carefully and always be sure to have the seller's approval beforehand.