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This is not a conspiracy theory.

admin 2024.09.05 20:55 Views : 33


This is not a conspiracy theory. The election strategy of the Democratic Party is being carried out as planned at each stage. Of course, some stages have failed, but they are continuing to activate plans and preparing for the 2024 election.

If things didn't go as planned, they modified with ‘Plan B’ and continued the election strategy. First, they tried to prevent Trump from running by indicting them on various criminal charges, but that failed.

Second, whether it was a lone act or supported by someone, the attempt to assassinate Trump during a campaign rally also failed.

For them, swaying public opinion was the most important thing. Since most people believe what is reported in the media, it was crucial to create popularity for their candidate through the media. That's why they mobilized all the media outlets and focused all their efforts on praising the Harris.


The third step is manipulating the polls. It's important for the public to believe that the Harris is winning in the polls, so that if election results are tampered with later, people won't notice. This is because illegal immigrants can be made to participate in the election, and the weapon of mail-in voting can be used to inject large numbers of illegal ballots into the counting process.


To this end, they sent Biden to debate with Trump in advance to gauge public opinion, and as expected, Biden was too inadequate, so they switched the candidate to Harris. They selected the Democratic presidential candidate through a nomination process that is unheard of in a democracy.


The Democratic Party will continue to distort the polls, and the media outlets will focus all their efforts on promoting Harris. Moreover, the election results will unfold exactly as they have rigged them. However, this time is different from 2020. The people are more aware now, and they know that these facts are not conspiracy theories but reality. Therefore, in the two months remaining, I believe the truth will be revealed, and justice will prevail.


Contributor: Sharon LiuFau