
World News

True Story in Korea 2022.05.11 22:26 Views : 471

In November 2019, two North Koreans who were forcibly repatriated by the government on the grounds that they were “a vicious criminals” after crossing the Northern Limit Line (NLL) on a wooden boat and crossing over to South Korea were recently reported to have appeared in educational materials from the National Security Agency.


According to an insider inside Daily NK on the 14th, the recently published ideological education materials for workers dispatched abroad list cases of residents who were forcibly repatriated to North Korea after attempting to defect. Two people were included.


The Ministry of National Security Education Center explained them and is known to have referred to them as ‘traitors of the nation who tried to go to South Korea (Korea) on a ‘octopus (squid, squid is called octopus in North Korea)’ fishing boat in 2019.


He also added an explanation that “in the end, they returned to their homeland (North Korea) by the South Korean government.”