HR Glossaries

P - T PC 1000

HRConsultant1 2013.09.12 09:33 Views : 1357

             "PC 1000," also known as "Diversion," is a first time drug offender program in California. The "PC" in "PC 1000" stands for "Penal Code." (There is an exception to the "first time offense rule" which allows repeat offenders to apply for PC 1000. See Below).




How PC 1000 works:




1. The defendant pleads "guilty" to the charged drug offense,


2. The judge temporarily puts the defendant's guilty plea aside (instead of immediately sentencing the defendant to jail),


3. The judge orders the defendant to attend a drug treatment (PC 1000) program, (See Below for more information on the PC 1000 program)


4. If the defendant completes the PC 1000 program, and he or she commits no other crime during the PC 1000 probation period, the judge will dismiss (or divert) the defendant's drug case and the defendant will have no criminal record..