
Real Estate

Managers and Employees Exempt From Licensing Law

The following parties are EXEMPT from the licensing requirements in California. These parties DO NOT need to be licensed as real estate salespersons or brokers because of the nature of their work (in order to carry out their jobs as such):

  • The employees of banks or other lending institutions;
  • The lenders who make federally-insured or federally-guaranteed loans;
  • Licensed personal property brokers;
  • Cemetery authorities;
  • Certain agricultural associations;
  • Certain collectors of payments for lenders or on notes for owners in connection with loans secured directly or collaterally by liens on real property;
  • Some clerical help (depending on the extent of the duties handled by the clerical personnel);
  • Resident managers of apartment buildings and complexes or their employees;
  • Short-term (vacation) rental agents;
  • Employees of certain lending institutions;
  • Employees of real estate brokers for specific, limited functions;

(See Sections 10131.01, 10133, 10133.1, 10133.15 10133.2, 10133.3, 10133.35, 10133.4, and 10133.5 of the Code for the license exemptions.)

We will continue our discussion of those parties that are exempt from the licensing requirement on the following screen.