
US News


admin 2020.11.12 09:23 Views : 50

In Detroit, Michigan, six days before the presidential election, a voice recording file was revealed to train employees at the counting office to train the illegal election. Then, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel threatened to delete the articles and audio files from the Internet to a media reporter called Big League Politics who had obtained the transcript. Dana Nessel said that if she doesn't listen, she will be prosecuted criminally.


The left-wing female politician in the United States, like Dana Nessel, is by far Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes.

She is running an operation to frame Trump. (Trump Accountability Project)

It is a collective action to intimidate Trump and the lawyers and entrepreneurs who support him.

Meanwhile, President Trump is holding on to Biden with recounts and checks being held in several swing states. Within the next ten days

It is predicted that the win or loss will be formally divided.