
US News

The two Republicans who voted against certifying election results in Michigan on the night of Nov. 17 before reversing themselves were threatened and harassed before changing their votes, President Donald Trump said on Nov. 18.


“At first they voted against because there were far more VOTES than PEOPLE (Sad!),” Trump wrote on Twitter.


“Then they were threatened, screamed at, and viciously harassed, and were FORCED to change their vote, but then REFUSED, as American patriots, to sign the documents. 71% MESS. Don’t Harass!”


Trump had weighed in on the situation in Wayne County just after the initial vote, calling the two GOP canvassers courageous.


“Wow! Michigan just refused to certify the election results! Having courage is a beautiful thing. The USA stands proud!” he said.


Wayne County Board of Canvassers Chairwoman Monica Palmer and member William Hartmann voted against certifying the results, citing concern about incomplete information in the county’s poll books.



Democrats Jonathan Kinloch and Allen Wilson voted for certification, resulting in a 2–2 deadlock.


That’s when members of the public began berating Palmer and Hartmann for the vote.


“I just want to let you know that the Trump stink, that the stain of racism, that you, William Hartmann and Monica Palmer, have just covered yourself in is going to follow you throughout history. Your grandchildren are going to think of you like Bull Conner or George Wallace,” said Ned Staebler, a vice president at Wayne State University who accused them of being “ordered to do it.”


Wayne Co. canvassers certify election results after initial deadlock