HR Disciplines

이런 Benefit이 있다면?

HR Consultant 2011.11.30 23:40 Views : 833

이런 Benefit이 있다면 ^&^

Fortune magazine이 보도한 "좋은 추가 Benefit"을 제공하고 있는 회사 가 바로 우리 회사라면 ??


Benefit은 employee들이 경제적으로도 도움이 되지만, 편안하고 동기부여가 되는 부분이 많은데, 각 회사의 환경을 고려한 여러가지 아이디어를 내어 실속있고 재미있는 Benefit Package를 만들어 봄이 어떨까요?



The Top 10 'Cushiest' Benefits Offered by 'Best Companies'
A Fortune magazine report on the “100 Best Companies to Work For” cited these employers for offering some of the better perks packages:

1. No whining. At each of employee-owned DPR Construction’s 17 locations, employees can toast employee accomplishments at an in-house wine bar, some with local touches (Austin’s is designed as a saloon).

2. Farm fresh.
For half the year, Qualcomm hosts a weekly farmers market on the lawns of its three California locations, allowing employees to stock up on local fruits and veggies.

3. Traveling light. Umpqua Bank pays for employees’ mass transit fees. Plus it offers interest-free loans to buy business attire.

4. Artist in residence. SAS employs two full-time artists who, in addition to producing art for company offices, offer artwork and framing supplies to employees at discounted rates.

5. Goals coach. The quirky culture at online shoe retailer includes free lunches, no-charge vending machines and a full-time “goals coach” who helps employees establish work/life balance and discover a “higher purpose/higher self.”

6. Air time. Energy firm NuStar makes the corporate jet available for employees in crisis. For example, for a sick employee working overseas, NuStar sent the jet to pick him up and bring him to the United States to see his doctor. 

7. Pet sitting. Every day is “Bring-your-dog-to-work day” at Kimpton Hotels offices, as employees can leave their dogs with an on-site pet care specialist.

8. Free oil changes. A car-care company sets up shop at the Cisco offices twice a week. Employees can leave their cars with mechanics for an oil change or a simple tune-up.

9. Free your mind. Among the generous perks at Intuit are free on-site classes, including yoga and Pilates. The firm encourages workers to take four hours a week of “unstructured time” for their own pet projects. It hosts “idea jams,” where teams present new concepts for prizes.

10. Health, fitness & Botox. Employees at Chesapeake Energy can use a 72,000-square-foot fitness center and a medical center that offers everything from cancer screenings to Botox injections.

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