HR Disciplines

FSA를 가입하셨나요? 어떻게 2012를 마무리해야 할까요?


IRS에서는 2012년도의 비용을 3월 15일까지 연장시켜 줍니다.

그 안에 비용을 쓰셔야 하며, 3월 31일까지 claim하셔야 합니다.


3월 15일 이후에도  balance가 남아 있다면, 사용할수도 없고, 못찾게 됩니다. 따라서 해당되는 비용을 잘 검토하시어 모두 사용하시는것이 바람직합니다. 사용가능한 것은 별첨에 다시 list 드리겠습니다.





Your 2012 target total contribution amount will roll to 2013 UNLESS you make a change.

You continue to participate until you choose to change or cease participation during the annual enrollment period or you are no longer employed by the company. (example: if your 2012 target total contribution was $500, then your 2013 target total contribution is automatically set for $500.)


2012 FSA Plan:

If you are an active participant on the last day of the plan year (December 31) and you have a balance remaining in your flexible spending account:

·         You have until March 15 to incur expenses that can be reimbursed from the previous plan year, and

·         You have until March 31 to submit claims.

If your claim is not submitted to Paychex (or could be other administrator) by March 31 and there are funds remaining in your account for the previous plan year, those funds are forfeited to the Plan without exception.


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