HR Glossaries

P - T HR Glossaries - SQSL

HR Consultant 2011.12.31 18:44 Views : 1247

HR에서 일하면서 몰랐던 것들에 대한 용어설명을 드리도록 하겠습니다.

아래는 Property & Casualty Insurance에서 Statement of Value에서 흔하게 사용하는 용어입니다.


EQSL is the general term in insurance.

EQSL stands for EarthQuake Sprinkler Leakage and it covers loss to building or covered property for which you have an insurable interest in the event of water leakage from a sprinkler system due to an Earthquake.  It is endorsed to the building policy.

No. Subject Author Date Views
16 D.O.L. Admin 2012.03.15 1084
15 DOL Admin 2012.03.15 1091
14 DOI Admin 2012.03.15 1103
13 DOH Admin 2012.03.15 962
12 DOB Admin 2012.03.15 998
11 DEU Admin 2012.03.15 1107
10 DEPO Admin 2012.03.15 972
9 Deductible Admin 2012.03.15 974
8 Retaliation HR Consultant 2012.03.15 1050
7 Non-Exempt Employee (OT을 반드시 지급해야 하는 고용인) HR Consultant 2012.03.02 1112
6 Exempt Employee (OT를 주지 않아도 되는 고용인) HR Consultant 2012.03.02 1255
5 FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) HR Consultant 2012.03.02 957
4 FSA (Flexible Spending Account) HR Consultant 2012.02.19 1069
3 FMLA - Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 HR Consultant 2012.01.15 1022
2 ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 HR Consultant 2012.01.15 1045
» HR Glossaries - SQSL HR Consultant 2011.12.31 1247